Right. So, some anonymous poster left a rather cutting message in my guestbook.

(You don't need to look for it... I've already removed it. Unequivocal the tyrant does not wish to acknowledge opposing viewpoints... and, in any event, I have no interest in engaging in discourse with people who demonstrate no appreciable grammatical, linguistic or logical skill.)

The gist of the message (once I translated from Idiotese to English) was this:

How dare you make light of this tragedy?! There is nothing funny about a terrorist attack!

Presumably this was in response to my suggestion regarding credit card companies.

Nothing funny?

Ah, well... I beg to differ. I think that there are funny aspects to terrorist attacks.

How about the fact that CNN recently posted an article online that discussed three "high-profile" figures who had died in the attacks? The file name for the article was notable-victims.html.

I have to chuckle when I hear stuff like that. Five thousand dead, but the only "notable victims" were the producer of Frasier, some conservative commentator, and a token scientist. God bless America. Come on, tell me it isn't funny.

Hey, hey, here's something funny... Three airport employees intentionally circumvented airport security yesterday. Two members of the ground crew got on the plane armed with knives and corkscrews. The pilot got on the plane sans ID. Then they turned around, got off the plane, and announced what they'd done.

No one has heard from them since.

Oh, oh... I've got a good one! How about all the people who apparently think that this is the most significant event in world history? Five thousand plus people dead! A miniscule percentage of an American city destroyed! Gas futures up almost 30%!

Come on folks... this is some funny shit.

Seriously though, let's have a bit of perspective, shall we? The only shocking thing about this is that it happened on U.S. soil.

Five thousand dead. I grant its awful... it really is. But...

In 1998:

724,859 people died of heart disease. 541,532 people died of cancer. 112,584 people died of bronchitis, emphysema or asthma.

30,575 people successfully committed suicide.

That's right... The fatalities of Tuesday's attack pale in comparison to the number of suicides in the U.S. three years ago. And the fatalities resulting from bronchitis, emphysema and asthma overshadow Tuesday's deaths by an order of magnitude.

The point of all of this is, fuck the people who tell you that now we have to stop living and stop laughing.

If we let death stop us from laughing, things are going to be very sour and ugly. Laughter in this case is, I'm sure, the only appropriate response.

I hope that there isn't any more death, any more atrocity, any more terror. And I hope that if there is, it doesn't affect me and mine... or you and yours.

But I hope that if this does continue, if there are more attacks, more bombings, more deaths... that someone takes pictures, and posts them on the internet with some damn funny captions.