Alright, alright. Because I'm such a stunningly nice guy, I'll accept neo-relic's proposed game (for those of you with no idea what I'm talking about, details are in my guest book). Forfeiture this time around however will indicate the immediate transference of both MTC's and Neo-relic's spiritual essence to my personal soul bank... no third chances and no further appeals.

It would be remiss of me to fail to point out that this issue seems to be causing some small amount of distress to you, Neo-relic.

Wouldn't you feel better if you just didn't have to worry about it anymore? Have you considered the possibility that your little "typo" was actually mandated by a higher power?

I'm just saying.

And speaking of just saying... Panther, quit dissembling. You don't give a rat's ass about our government recogniz[ing] that [you are] in a committed relationship that [you] hope to remain in for the rest of [your] life. You don't even like our government. As a matter of fact, I seem to recall reading some snippy little passages about what an awful country we live in.

No, no. Admit it. What's really important are the tax breaks and social perks.

And that, frankly, is why I so firmly oppose gays getting married.

It's also why I so firmly oppose straights getting married too.

Who is it that provides the funding for "life-long commitments" that come as a bundled package with a 50%+ divorce rate? That would be me, and all the other single taxpayers out there.

Frankly, I resent the hell out of it already, and that's just with the straight loser couples that my tax dollars support. Now I should support even more goddamn freeloaders? I don't think so.

Saying that gay couples should have the same right to taxpayer charity that straight couples have is kind of like saying that since police get away with beating up minorities, we should all have the right to beat up minorities.

One group's inappropriate stupidity and greed does not justify another group's. The moral homosexual should not be petitioning for the right to same-sex marriage, but rather for the abolition of the societal perks that accrue with any marriage.

In the meantime, if I want to subsidize your deviant and anti-Christian lifestyle, I'll take you and mytwocents out to dinner. But don't ask me to do it for any old Jane and Janet Dyke... I'm already shelling out enough on behalf of John and Jane Doe, and their miserably unhappy, Springer-esque marriage.

Damn welfare cases.