In my dream, I went a-questing. I traveled far and wide over a desolate plain, and I was nearly dead from thirst and exhaustion 'ere I came to the tower.

The tower was not my destination, for I knew that I had far to go before I came to the Chapel, and the treasure that it held. Still, many miles had I traveled, and many more stretched before me, and I was greatly wearied.

So I rode to the tower, and the lord came out to meet me. A tall man was he, very thin and fair, and he did not smile, but he raised his hand to me in welcome, and invited me inside.

And there he set a feast for me, of crisp fruits and spiced meats, and hot mulled wine, and bade me eat my fill.

I was loath to eat, for I feared that I had wandered off my path and into lands more fey than men should travel through. I liked not my host's thin lips and sunken cheeks, nor yet his white skin or his fine features. Though I did not feel he wished me harm, I thought it in his nature to work some mischief upon me.

Still, many miles had I traveled, and many more stretched before me, and I was greatly wearied. Thirst burned through me, and my hunger was greater than my caution. I ate my fill, and found it good. I drank the wine, and was much refreshed.

Then I sat with my host, and we passed the evening away in idle conversation, speaking of this and that trifle. At length, a weight seemed to settle upon my limbs, and my eyes grew heavy. My host led me to my chamber, which was well appointed and freshly turned (though I had seen no sign of any servants).

I hesitated in the chamber as my host retreated down the stairs. I yet feared some mischief, and I cared little for his slight smile as he wished me a good night, nor for the coldness of his lips when he kissed my cheeks in parting.

Still, many miles had I traveled, and many more stretched before me, and I was greatly wearied.

I stripped off my travel stained robes, and fell upon the bed. I slept, and in my sleep, I dreamed.