Hey, here's a message for all of you who reached this site through popular search engines:

If you are an anorexic who arrived here after searching for pro-ana sites, let me offer you my immediate and whole-hearted congratulations on pursuing a life-style choice that few people have the courage or willpower to adhere to. You have my unequivocal support.

Also, while we're on the topic of carrying around useless, unsightly weight, why not consider donating to my souldrive? It could well be that the reason you still look like such a fat-ass is because your soul is all bloated up and swollen. If you got rid of it, maybe you would be thin and pretty, and people would like you. Trust me on this; I'm a reputable online resource.

For those of you who arrived here after searching for equivocation, equivocal or unequivocal, you might want to invest in a decent dictionary rather than turning to the Internet for definitions. While I applaud your attempts at improving your vocabulary, I must caution you not to trust everything you find on the 'Net. There are people out here who will lie to you just for the simple joy of deception.

With that warning in mind, here are the definitions of the words you were searching for:

Equivocation: 1 : the act of using equivocal language especially with intent to deceive
2 : avoiding committing oneself in what one says
Synonym: Lying

Equivocal:1 a : subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse b : uncertain as an indication or sign
2 a : of uncertain nature or classification b : of uncertain disposition toward a person or thing : undecided c : of doubtful advantage, genuineness, or moral rectitude
Synonym: obscure

Unequivocal: the opposite of equivocal: 1 : leaving no doubt : clear, unambiguous
2 : unquestionable

A quick note to all of you who would prefer not to inadvertantly sound stupid: unequivocable is not a word. Neither is irregardless. For those of you who aren't interested in linguistic accuracies of this nature, please don't tell me that you "could care less." What you mean is that you "couldn't care less."

Are we clear? Good.

For all of you 31337 |-|4x0r //4nn4b335 who made it here by searching for how to crack hotmail, j00 r 14m3.

But nevermind that. The easiest way to break hotmail (or any other system) is through social engineering. For a great demonstration of how social engineering can crack hotmail, go here. If you can't figure out how this works, then you definitely aren't ready for the next portion of this mini-tutorial.

If you have access to your target's computer (or if your target ever checks their hotmail account on your computer), install a keylogger.

Alternately (and this will require some additional research and a little bit of mad h4x0ring .cgi skillz on your part), you could make a mock-up hotmail logon page that snags username and password and returns a "site is temporarily down" message. Get that spoofed page up somewhere, and then edit your target's lmhost file so that www.hotmail.com resolves to your spoof.

Hacking Hotmail is usually more trouble than it's worth. And anyway, did you really think that you'd be able to learn how to crack systems by running a Google search? Come on. Microsoft is lax in their security, but they don't make it that easy for people.

This ends today's lesson. Check back in tomorrow when we discuss the ethics and practical implications of unarmed bank robbery. Pah.